Saturday, 24 February 2018

Conquered in Style


 The scorching heat of the afternoon sun cut through our skins. There was no sign of a breeze. The sky looked blue and radiant. I was fortunate to catch the sun after quite a long time. I spent the last two weeks indoors, my deteriorating health and my idle brain kept me company. Lost in my own thoughts, I meandered into the maze of narrow pathways leading to one of the most visited spots in the University – ‘High Rocks’. A set of mountainous rocks that needed strength, effort, courage and patience to be conquered.

 That afternoon, post a scrumptious meal, we set out. We decided to spend our time fruitfully, against getting cooped in hostel rooms, lazing around and dreading the class that is scheduled in the evening. Driving away every ounce of lethargy, we went ahead to hike nearly 2.4kms. Lugging with bags and cameras, I realized how unprepared, I was for this impromptu hike that we embarked upon. One of the downside of not staying in hostels nagged at the back of mind, yet again! I am hardly ever prepared for a spontaneous trip. This time the red flag was my foot wear. Unlike, proper hiking/walking boots, I was in casual slippers and ended up climbing barefoot for most part of the time.

 Fifteen minutes into our adventure, we ended upon an open land of pastures. Something clicked in the back of my mind. It was an open space that looked beautiful and calm. There was a sense of unknown tranquility I found within myself. I stopped feeling things for a bit. I did not know what I was looking at, but I remember staring into the abyss, to make sense of things that were haywire in the last few days. I stood observing the little brook that flowed from beside my legs. The gushing water looked clean with little grass pricks growing on its side. I enjoyed the interior monologue that occurred within me. Now, more than ever, I wanted to keep walking and never stop.

Thrown back into reality, I was distressed. I wanted to stay in the virtual world I created for myself in the last few minutes. I wanted to hear the gurgling sounds of the little brook for forever, I wanted to walk around in the open pastures that seemed never-ending, and I wanted to listen to my heart, loud and clear. Given the narrow path, we ended up walking in single-files each immersed in their own string of thoughts. One with the camera, capturing the beauty of our little adventure, the other climbing quicker than the rest. Another walking all by herself, and another scrounging for easier paths to climb. What a troupe we were! Walking alone to succeed together!

Given my attempts at immunity building in the last few days, I was immensely satisfied with myself. I definitely did not give up on the idea like I did a few times earlier. I was not panting and neither was I gripped with the fear of failure. Climbing that rock was a major success to me. It was definitely a step higher than my previous attempts. It did not come easy, but it did all come in good time. With a few hurls and pushes from my friend, I did reach the top, the beautiful part of the trip. And my word, I stayed there in silence looking at the magnificent view that it beholds. Breathless, in a literal sense and staring in awe, I looked at the rapid urbanization that occurred towards the left, and the canopy of trees on the right. I saw bigger rocks etched with names of lovers. I could visualize merry groups that danced around bonfires, and some aggressive adults that smashed liquor bottles to the ground. I noticed broken slippers and sloppy garments buried under gigantic rocks. The place reeked of urine and bird droppings. I settled down on the edge of the rock and hung my legs down.

 Things just made sense. I had longed for this silent joy for a few days now. I was engulfed with a rush of emotion that I can’t till date fathom. It was happiness of a different kind. The last time I felt it was three years ago, when I was fastened by a rope and left in the middle of a river. It was fear combined with excitement washed down by a trickle of happiness, infused with large amounts of control.

We sat there for nearly an hour. Some breeze, the earth, sky and I.
 A quadruplet that I wish to be a part of again and again and again.

Twenty days after, the image is still vivid. What would I have not given to stop time right there? What would I have not given to re-clock the afternoon. The first memory of the place is pure. That day, I vowed, I want to come back and etch myself into the visuals of someone else.